What is WHO & What is its objective

  • The World Health Organization(WHO) is a specialized agency of the United nations responsible for international public health. WHO was established in 7 April 1948,which is known as World health Day.
  • WHO currently has 147  member countries.
  • Current Director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Former Minister of health & minister of foreign affairs of Ethiopia)
  •  Article 1 of constitution of the World Health Organization states its Objective to be "the attainment by all people of the highest level of health". 

Post Coronavirus time, when world will look back in to response of WHO to Coronavirus the following questions will be raised :

    Questions WHO must answer
1. Why did WHO not recognize human-to-human  transmission earlier when there was sufficient evidence to that?

Here's the tweet from WHO

WHO on 14th Jan,2020 tweeted that there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission.

Even though , exactly 12 days back, that is, on 2nd Jan 2020, 41 cases were reported in Wuhan of which 14 never had any direct exposure to the place of origin of virus (i.e., Huanan Seafood market in Wuhan), so this means that they would have contracted the disease from anyone from 27 persons who used to visit Wuhan  wet market. 

So this establishes that there was Human-to-Human transmission, but WHO blindly trusted Chinese authorities and therefore tweeted on Jan 14 as above.

Also, On 13th Jan 2020, the ministry of public health Thailand reported the first imported case of novel Coronavirus from Wuhan, China.
Though WHO tweeted correctly on 23rd Jan 2020, that there is Human-to-Human transmission but by then 9 days were lost and in fighting a pandemic which spreads like wildfire 9 days could have proven to be invaluable.

2.Why was there a Delay in declaring Coronavirus a Pandemic?
  • Firstly, let's understand that What is a Pandemic? According to WHO's definition," A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease". 
  • Coronavirus is a new disease ,that's why it is called novel Coronavirus and it did spread to entire world.
  • Now, you may ask What happens by declaring Coronavirus as pandemic?  Answer to that is very simple, It prepares countries &Governments all over world for a health catastrophe by acting as a warning for them. 
  • Why I used the word 'Delay' - Because, WHO declared Coronavirus as a pandemic on 11th march 2020, that is, 57 days after the 1st case was reported outside China.
  • In these 57 days about 1,18,000 people got infected of the virus and nearly 4000 people had died by then.
  • The number of people who died by 11th march was already 5 times the total number of people who died from SARS virus in 2003. 
3. What did WHO's Delegation to China achieve? And Why WHO didn't asked China tough & relevant questions?
On 28th Jan 2020, WHO's delegation visited China. It was expected of WHO that there will be some investigation, some counter questions will be asked from Chinese regime. But nothing of that sort happened, WHO instead of questioning China on Coronavirus ,WHO started praising Chinese efforts.
Moreover, WHO didn't share any data with other countries for weeks which further delayed the global response to the pandemic.
-Statement of director general of WHO, Tedros after meeting with Xi jinping

From above, it is evident that WHO instead of holding China answerable started praising China and Chinese leadership for no reason whatsoever. WHO DG even said "China to be transparent", may be he doesn't know the meaning of transparency, because China can be anything but not Transparent.

Here's how WHO reacted when in 2003 SARS outbreak happened-
At that time Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland (Former PM of Norway) was the DG of WHO. She declared travel advisory ,whereas on the other hand today's WHO under Dr. Tedros says "widespread travel bans not needed to beat Coronavirus".
4. Why did WHO not name the virus as "Wuhan virus" ?

There has been several viruses named after their place of origin. It is almost customary to name a virus after its place of origin. So the question worth asking is that why did WHO give China a special treatment? Why did WHO go against the customary practices?
Here's a list of viruses named after their place of origin-

West Nile Virus
Named after the West Nile District of Uganda discovered in 1937
Guinea worm
Named by European  explorers for Guinea coast of West Africa  in the 1600s
Lyme Disease

Ross River Fever
Named after a large outbreak of the disease occurred in Lyme & Old Lyme in the 1970s
Named after a mosquito found to cause the disease in the Ross River of Queensland, Australia by the !960s.
Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever
Named after Omsk, Russia in 1940s
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
Named after Ebola River in Zaire located in central Africa
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
Also known as “Camel Flu”, MERS was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012.
Marburg Virus Disease
Named after Marburg, Germany in  1967
Named after Norwalk, Ohio after an outbreak in  1968.
Zika  Fever
First discovered in 1947 and named after the Zika  Forest in Uganda.
Japanese Encephalitis
Named after its first case in Japan in 1871.
German Measles
Named after the German doctors who first described it in the 18th  century. The Disease is also sometimes  referred to as “rubella”.
Spanish Flu
While the true origins of  the Spanish Flu remains unknown, the disease earned its name after Spain began to report deaths from the Flu.
Lassa Fiver
Named after being found in Lassa, Nigeria in 1969
Legionnaire’s  Disease
Named following an outbreak of people contracting the lung infection after attending an American Legion convention in Philadelphia.

With so many viruses named  after Cities, Countries & Rivers , I have no doubt whatsoever that it should be called "Wuhan Virus".
5. Why WHO doesn't recognize Taiwan  & Why does it tows China's line on matters of Geo-Politics?
Taiwan had claimed of warning WHO back in December 2019(on 31st Dec) when the Wuhan Virus had not spread outside China & even in China it was pretty much contained. Taiwan warned about the Virus that it is highly contagious, that is, it transmits very quickly from Human-to-Human. But WHO did not publish the requested information on its internal website. Taiwan has been one of the few success stories in dealing with Wuhan Virus (COVID-19). WHO has been ignoring Taiwan not even giving it observer status, this is when in its objective states better health for all, how is it ensuring 'for all' by excluding Taiwan. 

This is the controversial Map WHO posted

The World Health Organization (WHO), which is facing accusation of delaying declaring Covid-19 a pandemic allegedly at Beijing’s behest, seems to have floundered on the depiction of China’s map on its website.

Now , if you just look at the Role of WHO , this is not something which is in line with its Role.
WHO has no right whatsoever to comment on geo-political issues, it cannot & should not therefore take sides on such matter, as this is not why it was made. WHO wrongly showed Aksai Chin & Taiwan as part of China, when it has no authority to do so. India reportedly complained about this in the UN.

Looking at these Questions which remain unanswered & will remain unanswered seeing WHO's behavior. I draw a conclusion that WHO as a organization has outlived its purpose and has now become a compromised organization ,therefore, either it needs solid amendments or need to be replaced by another organization that could function in a much more transparent, credible, unbiased manner.


  1. Good research. Everyone need to ponder on these points.


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